The Guide to Creating an Optimal Listing

Keep it short and descriptive as it will appear on search results instead of the link description.
It should incorporate your unique selling proposition.

The description is a chance for you to talk about your business and describe the different services that your business does. 

Use words that your customers would use to find you on Google, be descriptive and write in a tone and voice that suits you or your business.

Start with a list of adjectives that describe how your customers think about your company.
We recommend that you do not copy content from another web page location because this will not add any value to your listing.

Video is an effective marketing tool. Your customers are making decisions based on videos such as DIY, product, professional reviews and customer testimonials. All you need to do is copy and paste the complete link for your YouTube video directly into your description text. e.g.


Listing Category
Visitors can filter their search by the categories and amenities they want – so make sure you choose them wisely and include all the relevant ones. You can choose multiple categories.

If you are a local business make sure you use the address that matches your Google location. This will allow you to have a pin on the map that each web visitor can see and click to find your business. By default, no address will give you a generic location. All listings with a generic location are grouped together on the map.

Gallery Images
Photos help people find your business across Google—including on Search and Maps. By adding your own business photos, you can showcase your products and services to people who are looking for what you offer.

Types of photos

  • Logo
  • Products

Minimum height 450 pixels
Featured images 600 x 357 pixels (minimum)
Format JPG (photo) or PNG (logo)
Size Maximum 2MB
Quality The photo should be in focus and well lit.

Social Links
We encourage social links such as Facebook, Instagram and Linked because it will encourage the web visitor to engage in this space and with your brand.

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